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Campus Services

Global Lounge

Since its opening in November 2002, the Global Lounge has been the most important and popular international student facility on campus in promoting global cultural diversity. Now located in the heart of campus at Baekyangro’s new underground area, The Commons, the Global Lounge serves as the link between the international community and Yonsei University. With its large exchange network, it is a multi-functional space to foster an international perspective and sense for students and provides various one-stop services to international students. We seek to inspire imaginative and innovative ideas and transform students to become global citizens that are part of our global community.

  • Location: The Commons (Bldg. 130)
  • Hours: Weekdays (8 a.m. - 8 p.m.) Vacation (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
  • Tel: +82-2-2123-6496
  • Email: globallounge@yonsei.ac.kr


The main seating area has nine multi-television sets and a seating capacity of 150 people.

Discussion Area

An area dedicated to language exchange encourages students who wish to learn foreign languages to communicate only through a determined language of interest.


The OIA operates a comprehensive help desk to assist international students and faculty with information on-campus and off-campus living.

Counseling Services

International Counseling & Coaching Center

Eligibility and Cost
All Yonsei University international students are eligible for the services provided by the Counseling Center. The ICCS is an interfaith center providing counseling and psychotherapy for international students. Counseling will be provided in different languages including English and Chinese.

Services Provided
Individual Counseling: Students come into the Counseling Center with a variety of concerns. Feeling homesick & experiencing culture shock, having difficulties getting up and going to classes because of feelings of depression, feeling upset over the break-up of a romantic relationship, having problems with eating, body image and self-esteem.

Couple & Group Counseling Services: Students/Couple also welcome with their variety of concerns.

Alcohol/Drug Counseling: Students may refer themselves to meet with the AOD counselor.
 -Contact info

  • E-mail: globaldiasporamn@gmail.com (preferred contact)
  • Office: 02)2123-6244(Korean) / 070-4040-3081 (English)

General Counseling Center

The Counseling Center provides counseling and consultation services to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students and their spouses/partners. The counseling sessions can be held for individual, couples, and groups. The Center offers brief counseling and therapy to help students confront personal, academic, and career concerns by psychologists, professional counselors and master-level counselor trainees.

The primary goal of counseling is to help students develop their personal awareness and skills necessary to overcome problems and to grow and develop in ways that will allow them to take advantage of the opportunities at the university. Student development workshops are designed to enhance personal and academic skill development, and emergency drop-in sessions are also available.

  • The Counseling Center is located in Baekyang Hall on the 4th floor room N408, next to the Central Library.
  • Office Hours: Mon ~ Fri (9 am ~ 5 pm)>
  • Website Address:counsel.yonsei.ac.krc
  • E-mail: counsel@yonsei.ac.kr
  • Telephone Number: +82-2-2123-6688

Center for Gender Equity

The Center for Gender Equity assists anyone on campus with issues on sexual violence. The contents of consultations include sexual violence and other issues that deal withsexual identity or sex, such as sexual harassment, gender discrimination, stalking, datingviolence, or cyber bullying.

  • E-mail: helper@yonsei.ac.kr
  • Telephone Number: +82-2-2123-2118
  • Website Address:equity.yonsei.ac.krc
  • Visit: The Center for Gender Equity (in Nonjidang, set up appointment by phone prior to visit)
  • Hours: Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm
  • Confidentiality is guaranteed